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Take the Week Without Driving PA Pledge & advocate for better mobility options for non-drivers in Allegheny County!
Whether we live in suburban towns or city neighborhoods, everyone in Pennsylvania deserves safe, reliable, dignified access to the places we need to go. Across the state, 30% of our friends and neighbors don’t drive a car. The Week Without Driving is a nationwide movement to link the needs of disabled individuals and people of all ages with environmental movements and accessible community planning. Together, we will illustrate challenges and opportunities for non-drivers and call for change that improves mobility for all.
Join us in pledging to take a Week Without Driving PA. You can participate as an individual, organization, or elected official. Find out more and get involved at the Week WIthout Driving PA website:
Social Media Posts – post with hashtag #WeekWithoutDrivingPA
- Whether we live in suburbs or cities, everyone in Pennsylvania deserves safe, reliable, dignified access to the places we need to go.
Take the #WeekWithoutDrivingPA pledge & call for change! - 30% of people in Pennsylvania don’t drive a car because of age, disability or income, but still need safe, accessible, affordable ways to get where they need to go.
Take the #WeekWithoutDrivingPA pledge to raise awareness & call for change: - Tag us @transitpa on X/Twitter, and Transit For All PA on Facebook with your pictures and posts while taking the challenge